Videos of some of our board and train dogs.
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Ash Board and Train Week 6.
Ash has concluded his board and train with us. He learned - Not to jump on people Walk in heel with a loose leash Recall Duration sit and down Place with lots of distractions Basic self control with thresholds Bandit Board and Train Week 2.
This is Bandit at the end of his board and train. Before he trained with us he would not come when called if there were any distractions present. He had no concept of stay and didnt know leave it either. At the end of two weeks you can see his level of understanding for those commands are so strong and ready to be built on more. Cocoa Board and Train Week 4.
Cocoa concluded her board and train after 4 weeks of training. This young pup only knew her name and how to sit when she came for training. We loved working with this girl, she was super smart and loved the training game. Duke Board and Train Week 2.
We are so happy with all he learned during his 2 week stay. Our two week program is designed for young dogs or dogs without any behavior issues. We work on building a foundation for learning and communication with us while also teaching all the basic obedience skills. This program really gives you a great head start for training your puppy or dog. Kavik Board and Train Week 8.
Kavik completed our 8 week program where he learned all the basic obedience skills, learned the e-collar for off leash freedom, and overcame his reactivity towards other dogs. He also gained confidence going to new places. Kona Board and Train Week 4.
We were able to tackle her dog reactivity issues as well as improve her basic obedience skills and get her comfortable working with new people. Minnie Board and Train Week 4
Minnie came to us as a very high energy, high anxiety girl. During her stay we worked to ease her anxiety, teach her basic obedience and self control. We worked on overcoming her fear issues and were able to generalize her obedience skills in a variety of new places. Olive Board and Train Week 2.
This happy girl learned all her basics including self control and basic manners. Rebel Board and Train Week 6.
He learned so much and is now a much easier dog to take places and live with. During his stay he learned sit and down stay, heel, off leash recall and door way manners. More engagement and focus around distractions, place with long distance send, distractions and long duration. Decrease in dog reactivity. Spirit Board and Train Week 4.
Spirit came to us with an already solid foundation in his basic obedience skills. He lacked self control, was pushy and easily distracted around other dogs. Valkyrie Board and Train Week 6.
Val completed a 6 week board and train with us that included e-collar training for off leash reliability. We are big advocates for being responsible with our dogs when we go out on the trail. This means not letting your dog run wild in the parking lot and sprinting down the trail leaving you in the dust. This also means having control over your dog when you pass other hikers even if they don’t have a dog with them. Val has learned to hold a sit or down stay in the parking lot while we get ready. She also can heel off leash as we get on the trail and as we pass people. She also has a strong recall that enables her the privilege of freedom on the trail. She also learned self control, basic manners, obedience skills, focus around distractions and of course e-collar training for off leash freedom. Willie Board and Train Week 2.
Willie came in for a board and train because he couldnt focus around any distractions espicially other dogs, he wanted to play with them so bad. He also was a terrible leash puller and couldn't recall around distractions. We were able to make really nice progress with him in a very short time. |
Iorek Board and Train Week 5
Iorek concluded his board and train and we are so proud of how much he accomplished. He was a so much fun to work with and just a really nice dog overall. Charlie Board and Train Week 4.
When his Charlie's person came to pick him up at the end of the board and train he said he was like a totally different dog.(meaning this in a good way of course) One of the big things we emphasize with all the dogs who come in to our board and train program is creating a dog that loves to learn. We don't just want the dog doing the obedience commands we want them doing it with eagerness and joy. Charlie learned all is basics as well as much more self control and manners. Denali Board and Train Week 2.
Denali concluded her board and train with us after 2 weeks of training. We focused a lot on self control exercises as she is an impulsive young dog. This included holding a sit stay while food was thrown. Going to and maintaining place while I walked past her. Waiting at all thresholds. Eli Board and Train Week 2.
This was Eli's final week with us. He had a lot of struggles because he has major separation issues, he is also allowed a lot of freedom and doesnt like not being able to do what he wants to do. We played a lot of fun motivation games with him and made great progress with holding place around a lot of distractions as well as walking with a loose leash. Koda Board and Train Week 2.
Koda went from a puppy who lacked impulse control and had no focus on her handler to a dog who can perform basic obedience around distractions and stay attentive to her handler. In our 2 week board and train program we teach dogs how to work with us around distractions and learn basic obedience skills. Max Board and Train Week 6.
This was his final week of training with us. Max came such a long way, he started only being able to do a few things if food was in front of him, he did not have a work ethic and was very impulsive. After training he knew all the basics as well as a better work ethic and joy for training. Self control at doorways, ability to listen around other dogs and e-collar training for off leash recall and heel. Max Board and Train Week 4.
This was our final week with Mr. Max. During his stay with us he learned that working for humans is important and worth his time. He learned to recall off distractions, relax when told and walk with a person not out in front of them. He gained a corporative work ethic and is now a a much better companion for his people. Pepper Board and Train Week 3.
For the first 10 days we had Pepper with us she was so unsure and shut down. This was her first time being away from her family and she was not handling it well. She would hardly eat, would scan the backyard looking for a way out and certainly was not in the frame of mind to learn anything. Her people were updated every step of the way and they decided to stick with it. I'm so happy they did because she blossomed into a happy, enthusiastic dog who was so eager to work. She learned all her basic obedience around many distractions as well as impulse control and off leash recall. Shadow Board and Train Week 2.
Shadow has completed her two week board and train program and boy has she come a long way! She has gained confidence, reliability in obedience commands like sit, down, come, heel and place. In addition to meeting and working around 5 different dogs which is huge for her as she is very dog reactive. Her people still have a lot of work ahead of them but they have a wonderful foundation to build on with Shadow. Tulip Board and Train Week 6.
Tulip has now concluded her board and train with us. One of the risks of a board a train we always disclose to anyone interested in the program is that the dogs learn all these things with us, they become very reliable and easy dogs for us to live with. Part of the reason for this is that from day one when they come into our home we are building a relationship based on structure, boundaries and positive reinforcement. These dogs are not given the opportunity to practice bad habits, they are set up for success and challenged based on their skill level. Owners are given lots of material and easy to follow steps to get the same results at home but its imperative they also build a new relationship with their dog based on the above principals so that they can see their dogs full potential. Viola Board and Train Week 3.
Upon completion of her training with us Viola had a great understanding of all the basic obedience commands including being able to perform them around distractions and for long duration. |